Roman & Greek Gods Names 'N'

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Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names
Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names provides a glossary of names, definitions and roles of gods starting with 'N'

Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names - Starting with 'N'
The Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names provides a useful, short glossary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'N' together with their roles and attributes that feature in ancient Greek & Roman myths, history and legends. A fast, at-a-glance list of all Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'N', together with their roles, are provided in this guide and Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with the letter 'N'.

Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'N'
This is a comprehensive who's-who of the names of ancient Roman and Greek gods and goddesses starting with 'N' that feature in classical Greek mythology. Additional, comprehensive facts and information about Roman and Greek gods and goddesses are also available via:

Gods and Deities

Greek and Roman Gods & Mythology

Roman & Greek Gods Names 'N'



Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'N'
This section of the Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names provides provides useful facts and information about the vast number of gods that feature in Roman and Greek myths and legends. Roman and Greek Gods Names with short definitions of their roles in the Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with the letter 'N'.

Life of the gods

Ancient Gods and Goddesses

Roman and Greek Gods

Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'N'

Greek Gods and Goddesses Names and Roles
Naiades were minor goddesses of nature, rivers and waterways
Nemesis the goddess of revenge, balance, righteous indignation and retribution
Nereus the old man of the sea, and the god of the sea's rich bounty of fish
Nerites a sea spirit who was transformed into a shell-fish by Aphrodite
Nereids were minor goddesses of the sea and oceans
Nike the goddess of victory
Nomia (one of the Naides, a fresh water nymph)
Nomos the spirit of law
Notus god of the south wind
Nymphe goddess of the morning hour of ablutions (bathing, washing)
Nymphs, minor goddesses of nature
Nyx the primeval goddess of night
Greek Gods and Goddesses Names and Functions

Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'N' - Greek Gods Family Tree
The Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'N' provides short definitions of the gods and goddesses that feature in myths and legends. The following Greek Gods Family Tree provides a fast reference and instant overview of the genealogy of the principle Greek gods and goddesses detailing family connections, genealogy and relationships between the main gods and goddesses who feature in the legends and mythology of the ancient Greeks.

Greek Gods Family Tree & Genealogy

Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'N' - Roman Gods Family Tree
The Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'N' provides short definitions of the gods and goddesses that feature in myths and legends. The following Roman Gods Family Tree provides a fast reference and instant overview of the genealogy of the principle Roman gods and goddesses detailing family connections, genealogy and relationships between the main gods and goddesses who feature in the legends and mythology of the Romans.

Roman Gods Family Tree & Genealogy

Roman Gods and Goddesses Names and Roles
Naenia, goddess of funerals
Nascio, personification of the act of birth.
Necessitas, goddess of destiny
Nemesis, goddess of revenge (Greek).
Neptune, god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
Nerio, ancient war goddess and the personification of valor
Neverita, wife of Neptune
Nixi, also Nixae, goddesses of childbirth,.
Nona, goddess of pregnancy, one of the Parcae (Roman equivalent of the Moirai, the Fates). The spinner of the thread of life
Nox, Primordial goddess of night, from the Greek Nyx
Nundina, Goddess of the ninth day, on which the newborn child was given a name
Roman Gods and Goddesses Names and Functions

Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'N'

Dictionary of Roman and Greek gods starting with 'N'

  • Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with the letter 'N'
  • Interesting information via the Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names
  • Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'N'
  • Facts and information about the Ancient World for schools and kids
  • Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with the letter 'N'

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