Achaians: Inhabitants of the province of Achaia
Achates: Friend and inseparable companion of Aeneas,
Achelous: River in Greece, bearing the name of its god
Achemenides: Ulysses’ sailor, rescued from Polyphemus by Aeneas
Acheron: River in Hades across which the souls of the dead were carried by Charon One of the Potamoi, river gods - Ulysses visits - Aeneas crosses Father of Furies
Achilles Achilles was a mythical Greek hero of Homer's Iliad; a great Greek warrior at the siege of Troy; when he was a baby his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable--his "Achilles' heel" Son of Peleus and Thetis - surrenders Briseis, - the Greeks appeal to - slays Hector - death - father of Pyrrhus
Acis: Youth loved by Galatea, and slain by Polyphemus
Acrisius: King of Argos, and father of Danae Acropolis: Hill in Athens, the site of the Parthenon and Theseus’ temple
Actaeon: Hunter changed to a stag by Diana,
Admete: Daughter of Eurystheus, covets Hippolyte’s girdle
Admetus: King of Thessaly, served by Apollo, and saved from death by Alcestis, - Hercules restores Alcestis to - one of the Argonauts - in Calydonian Hunt Labors of Hercules
Adonis: A handsome Hunter loved by Venus and slain by a boar Adrastus: King of Argos who died of grief when he heard that his son had been killed his horse Arion - father of Hippodamia - sends expedition against Thebes Aeacus: One of the three judges of the dead in Hades
Aeaea: Island inhabited by Circe and visited by Ulysses
Aeetes: King of Colchis, father of Medea and Absyrtus, - brother of Circe
Aegean Sea: Delos chained in - Arion borne by dolphins in, - named after Aegeus
Aegeus: The "goat-man" who gave his name to the Aegean Sea was, next to Poseidon, the father of Theseus, the founder of Athenian institutions and one of the kings of Athens King of Athens; father of Theseus - drowns himself
Aegis: Shield or breastplate of Minerva and Jupiter (Zeus) - loaned to Perseus - bears Medusa’s head A sacred shield made for Zeus by Hephæstus, which derived its name from being covered by the skin of the goat Amalthea, the word Aegis signifying goat's-skin Aegisthus: the seducer of Clytemnestra and murderer of Agamemnon who usurped the throne of Mycenae until Agamemnon's son Orestes returned home and killed him. Murderer of Agamemnon; slain by Orestes
Aegle: One of the Heliades; changed to a poplar tree
Aegyptus Aegyptus is a descendant of the heifer maiden, Io, and the river-god Nilus, and was a king in Egypt. Aegyptos was the son of Belus and Achiroe, a naiad daughter Brother of Danaus
Aeneadae: City which Aeneas proposed to found in Thrace
Aeneas A Trojan leader and legendary ancestor of the Romans. When Troy fell to the Greeks he escaped and after wandering for many years eventually reached Italy. The story of his voyage is recounted in Virgil's Aeneid Son of Venus and Anchises - Aeneas’ descendants - worship introduced into Italy by hero of Virgil’s Aeneid
Aeneas Silvia: Son of Aeneas; founder of Alba Longa
Aeneid: Virgil’s epic poem on the adventures of Aeneas that relates the travels and experiences of Aeneas after the fall of Troy
Aeolia: Same as Aeolian Islands: In Asia Minor, near Aegean Sea
Aeolian Islands: The home of Aeolus, god of the winds, - supposed to be Lipari Islands
Aeolian Race: Descendants of Aeolus, son of Hellen
Aeolus: God of the winds - Juno’s bargain with - gift to Ulysses - destruction of Aeneas’ fleet Son of Hellen, founder of the Aeolian race
Aesculapius: Son of Apollo and Coronis, a hero and the Roman god of medicine and healing; his daughters were Hygeia and Panacea - Machaon, son of
Aeson: Father of Jason - rejuvenated by Medea
Aether: Primordial God of light - dethroned Aether was the personification of the sky or upper air breathed by the Olympians; son of Erebus and Night or of Chaos and Darkness
Aethra: Princess of Troezene - mother of Theseus - Helen intrusted to
Aetna: Volcano in Sicily - the tomb of Enceladus - forge of Vulcan - Ceres’ visit to
Aetolia: Country between Epirus and Locris Aeolus Greek god of winds, Roman counterpart VulturnusAfterthought: Name given to Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus; despite Prometheus's warning against gifts from Zeus he accepted Pandora as his wife
Agamemnon: Chief of the expedition against Troy King of Mycenae and brother of Menelaus. On his return home from Troy, he was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus; his murder was avenged by his son Orestes and daughter Electra
Agave: Mother of Pentheus; infuriated by Bacchus, slays her son. She was the daughter of Cadmus, the king and founder of the city of Thebes, Greece, and of the goddess Harmonia. Her sisters were Autonoë, Ino and Semele.
Agenor: Father of Europa, Cadmus, Cilix, Phoenix Trojan warrior, one of Antenor's sons. Saved from Achilles by Apollo
Aglaia: One of the Graces; an attendant of Venus
Aïdes: Same as Pluto or Hades
Aïdoneus: Same as Pluto, god of the Infernal Regions
Ajax: A mythical Greek hero of the Trojan War, son of Telamon; a warrior who fought against Troy in Homer's Iliad - Patroclus’ corpse recovered by - insanity of
Alba Longa: City in Italy founded by Aeneas Silvia
Alcestis: Wife of Admetus; dies to save his life - restored by Hercules
Alcides: Same as Hercules
Alcimede: Queen of Iolcus; mother of Jason
Alcinous: Phaeacian king, enables Ulysses to reach Ithaca
Alcippe: Daughter of Mars; carried off by Halirrhothius
Alcmene: Consort of Jupiter, and mother of Hercules Alecto: One of the Furies - sent by Juno to kindle war between Aeneas and the Latins
Alectryon: Servant of Mars; Alectryon was a youth, charged to stand guard outside his door while the god indulged in illicit love with Venus. He fell asleep and changed into a cock,
Alpheus: River of Peloponnesus dammed to clean Augean stable The river god who pursued Arethusa
Althaea: Mother of Meleager,
Amalthea: Goat which nursed Jupiter
Amasenus: River over which Metabus flung Camilla
Amata: Wife of Latinus - driven mad by Alecto - suicide of
Amazons: Nation of warlike women; Hercules visits Theseus visits Bellerophon visits Queen of the Ambrosia: Ambrosia was the food of the gods and Nectar was the drink Ammon: Temple of Jupiter in Libya
Amor: Same as Eros, Cupid, etc.; god of love - son of Venus and Mars
Amphion: Son of Jupiter and Antiope; musician; King of Thebes He was the husband of Niobe. Amphion had great skill in music which he was taught by Hermes.
Amphitrite Greek goddess of war, Roman counterpart Salacia Amphitrite was a sea-goddess and wife of Poseidon Same as Salacia, queen of the sea, wife of Neptune,
Anchises Trojan prince, father of the hero Aeneas by Aphrodite. After the fall of Troy, Anchises was carried from the city by his son, Aeneas. Anchises died and was buried in Sicily. Aeneas later visited Hades and saw his father again.
Ancile: Shield of Mars, guarded by the Salii in Rome
Andraemon: Husband of Dryope; saw her changed to a tree
Andromache: She became the slave of Neoptolemus (son of Achilles) after the fall of Troy. Wife of Hector
Andromeda: An Ethiopian princess and daughter of Cassiopeia; she was fastened to a rock and exposed to a sea monster that was sent by Poseidon, but she was rescued by Perseus and became his wife Daughter of Celeus and Cassiopeia; saved by Perseus
Antaeus: In Greek mythology was a giant, the son of Poseidon and Gaia, whose wife was Tinjis. He was defender of the Pygmies; slain by Hercules,
Anteia: Wife of Proetus; accuses Bellerophon falsely
Anteros: God of passion, - son of Venus and Mars
Antigone: Daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta she disobeyed her father and was condemned to death - buried alive
Antinous: One of Penelope’s suitors; slain by Ulysses
Antiope: Antiope was a daughter of Nycteus, King of Thebes. Jupiter was attracted by her beauty and came to her in the guise of a Satyr. Wife of Jupiter; mother of Amphion and Zethus; persecuted by Dirce
Aphareus: Father of Castor’s murderer He was the son of Gorgophone and Perieres, was the husband of Arene and father of Lynceus and Idas
Aphrodite: The goddess of beauty, fertility, and sexual love. She is variously described as the daughter of Zeus and Dione, or as being born from the sea Same as Venus, Dione, etc., significance
Apollo A god, son of Zeus and Leto and brother of Artemis. He is associated with music, poetic inspiration, archery, prophecy, medicine, pastoral life, and in later poetry with the sun; the sanctuary at Delphi was dedicated to him. Same as Phoebus, Sol, and Helios
Aquilo: West wind, son of Aeolus and Aurora,
Arachne: A skillful weaver who challenged Athena to a contest. Athena destroyed Arachne's work and Arachne tried to hang herself, but Athena changed her into a spider Minerva’s needlework contest with,
Arcadia: Province of Peloponnesus, - Mercury’s birthplace
Arcas: Son of Jupiter and Callisto; constellation of the Little Bear
Areopagitae: Judges of the criminal court of Athens
Areopagus: Hill near Athens; site of the Parthenon
Ares, the Greek god of war Same as Mars
Arete: Goddess of virtue; takes charge of Hercules Wife of Alcinous; mother of Nausicaa
Arethusa: Nymph of Diana; changed to a fountain
Arges (Sheetlightning): A Cyclop; son of Uranus and Gaia
Argo: Vessel in which Jason set sail in search of the golden fleece
Argonautic Expedition - in search of golden fleece - Zetes and Calais in - Hercules in - Meleager in
Argonauts: Name given to Jason and crew
Argos: City in Argolis, dedicated to Juno - Eurystheus, king of - Acrisius, king of, - Adrastus, king of, - Proetus, king of - Agamemnon’s return to Argus: Name of myriad-eyed giant who watched Io Name of Ulysses’ faithful hound
Ariadne: Daughter of Minos; Theseus aided by, - deserted by Theseus, - marries Bacchus
Arion: Winged steed; the offspring of Neptune and Ceres Musician; thrown into the sea by pirates, saved by a dolphin,
Aristaeus: Youth who indirectly causes Eurydice’s death
Artemis: Same as Diana, goddess of the moon and the chase,
Ascalaphus: Spirit in Hades who saw Proserpina eat pomegranate seeds Asclepius Greek god of medicine, Roman counterpart Aesculapius
Asia Minor: West of Asia; Bacchus’ visit to - Vesta’s shrine in - Thetis’ flight from
Asklepios: Same as Aesculapius; son of Apollo and Coronis
Astyanax: Infant son of Hector and Andromache
Atalanta: Maiden who takes part in Calydonian Hunt and races with Milanion or Hippomenes
Athamas: King of Thebes; father of Phryxus and Helle - Ino in madness slain by
Athena: Same as Minerva - tutelary goddess of Athens
Athenians: Inhabitants of Athens - tribute of, - ingratitude of
Athens: Minerva’s festivals at - tribunal at, - contest for - Aegeus, king of - Theseus’ arrival at, - Ariadne elopes to - Castor and Pollux’ visit to - Theseus, king of - Peleus, king of
Atlas Greek god of astronomy, Roman counterpart Atlas. One of Iapetus’ sons, a Titan who was forced by Zeus to bear the sky on his shoulders
Atropos: One of the Fates; cuts the thread of life
Attica: Province of Greece; Cecrops founds city
Augeas: A legendary king whose vast stables had never been cleaned. Hercules cleaned them in a day by diverting the Alpheus River to flow through them. King of Elis; his stables were cleansed by Hercules
Aulis: Port in Boeotia, the meeting place of the Greek expedition against Troy,
Aurora: Same as Eos, goddess of dawn; attendant of Apollo
Auster: Southwest wind, same as Notus; a son of Aeolus and Aurora
Automedon: Achilles’ charioteer
Aventine: One of the seven hills on which Rome is built
Avernus: Lake near Naples; the entrance to Hades in Italy |