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Roman Gods Names 'V'

Tales beyond belief

Dictionary of Roman Gods Names starting with 'V'
This section of the Dictionary of Roman Gods Names provides Roman gods and goddesses names that feature in Roman myths and legends. Roman gods and goddesses names  with short definitions of their roles in the Dictionary of Roman gods and goddesses.

Vacuna, Goddess of agriculture
Vediovus a god of the underworld.
Venilia or Venelia, sea goddess
Venti, the winds, equivalent to the Greek Anemoi: North wind Aquilo or Septentrio (Greek Boreas); South wind Auster (Greek Notus); East wind Vulturnus (Eurus); West wind Favonius (Zephyrus); Northwest wind Caurus
Venus, goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, and gardens
Veritas, goddess of the Roman virtue of veritas or truth.
Verminus, god of cattle worms.
Vertumnus, god of the seasons, gardens and fruit trees.
Vesta, goddess of the hearth, the Roman state, and the sacred fire
Vica Pota, goddess of victory and competitions.
Victoria, goddess of victory
Viduus, God who separated the soul and the body after death
Virbius, a forest god
Virtus, god or goddess of military strength
Volturnus, god of water
Volumna, Goddess who protects the nursery
Voluptas, goddess of pleasure.
Vulcan, god of the forge, fire, and blacksmiths

Vulturnus, God of the East Wind

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