The List of all Greek Gods and goddesses provides a fast overview of all the ancient deities that were worshipped in Ancient Greece. List of all Greek Gods & Goddesses According to Ancient Greek mythology and legends in the Greek Creation Myth the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece consisted of three major dynasties of different generations: - The Dynasty of the Primeval Gods
- The Dynasty of the Titans
- The Dynasty of the Olympians
List of all Greek Gods & Goddesses - The Olympians The most famous of all the ancient deities in the list of all Greek Gods are the Olympian Gods and Goddesses. The domains and realms of the Olympians: Zeus was the king of the Olympians Hera was the queen of the Olympians Hermes was the messenger of the Olympians Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty Ares was the god of war Demeter was the goddess of agriculture Hephaestus was the god of fire and metal-working Poseidon was the god of the sea Athena was the goddess of wisdom Artemis was the goddess of the hunt Apollo was the god of the sun and music Hestia was the goddess of the home and hearth
List of all Greek Gods & Goddesses - The Primeval Ancient Gods The Ancients - the domains and realms of the Ancient deities and divinities: Chaos, the first of all divinities, who ruled over confusion Nyx, Goddess of night Erebus god of darkness Aether god of the sky Hemera goddess of the daytime Tartarus the abyss beneath the Underworld Eros, the god of procreation Pontus the god of the sea Gaia the Earth Mother Uranus, god of the heavens
List of all Greek Gods & Goddesses - The Titans The Titans - the domains and realms of the Titans and Titanides: Cronus was the Titan god of time Coeus was the Titan god of Intelligence Rhea was the Titan goddess of fertility and the mother of gods Phoebe Titan goddess of the Moon Oceanus Titan lord of the ocean Tethys Titan goddess of the rivers Iapetus was the Titan god of Mortal Life Hyperion was the Titan lord of light Mnemosyne was the Titan goddess of memory and the inventor of words Theia was the Mother of the Sun and Titan goddess of all that glitters Crius was the Titan god of the constellations Themis was the Titan goddess of justice and order Clymene was the Titan goddess of fame and glory
List of all Greek Gods & Goddesses - Groups of Deities & Spirits The List of all Greek Gods continues with famous groups of goddesses, gods, spirits, nymphs and deities The Keres, or “Death Fates” The Fates (The Moirae) Three Graces The Furies (Erinyes) Hesperides The Horae The Charities The Nine Muses The Algea the spirits of pain and suffering The Amphilogiai the spirits of disputes, debate and contention The Androktasiai the spirits of battlefield slaughter The Arae the spirits of curses The Erotes The Hysminai the spirits of fighting and combat The Litae the spirits of prayer Dryads & Hamadryads The Machai the spirits of fighting and combat The Neikea the spirits of quarrels, feuds and grievances The Oneiroi the spirits of dreams The Phonoi the spirits of murder, killing and slaughter Pleiades, the Seven Sisters The Pseudologoi, spirits of lies
Names of Gods & Goddesses - Names of the Minor Gods & Goddesses The minor Greek gods and goddesses are detailed in the following list: Aeolus Achlys Achos Alala Alastor Amphitrite Ania Ariadne Asclepius Asteria Astraeus Atlas Bia Charon Cratus Deimos Eileithyia Elpis Enyo Eos Epimetheus Eris Eros, god of love Eurus Eutychia Geras Harmonia Hebe Hecate Helios Heracles Homados Hypnos Iris Khione Kydoimos Leto Lethe Lupe Melinoe Momus Moros Morpheus Nemesis Nike Notus Oizys Paean Palaemon Pallas Palioxis Pan Persephone Perses Phobos Phrike Polemos Proioxis Prometheus Psyche Selene Soter Soteria Thanatos Triton Tyche Zelus Zephyrus |