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Greek Mythology

Tales beyond belief

Ancient Greek Mythology
This article provides a fast overview and dictionary of ancient Greek mythology detailing the names of the gods, goddesses, heroes and legendary creatures stories that feature in the world of ancient Greek mythology and legends. The mythical stories and legends from Ancient Greek mythology were originally passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth, but they were then documented by ancient Greek authors.

The most famous mythical stories from Ancient Greek mythology were documented by Homer in epics such as the Iliad and the Odyssey, and also in the works of of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Ancient Greek mythology focused on their creation myth and stories of the gods and goddesses, the most famous of which were the Olympian gods and goddesses. Heroes, or demigods, also featured in Greek mythology and these incorporated stories about terrifying mythical monsters and creatures and ordeals that had to be overcome.

Ancient Greek Mythology
Who were the creatures and gods who featured in the stories of Ancient Greek Mythology? The following list provides a description and definition of the different gods, goddesses, heroes and mythical creatures of Ancient Greek mythology.

  • Aegina (one of the Naides, a fresh water nymph)
  • Alecto, one of the Furies, goddesses of Vengeance and Retribution
  • In Greek Mythology Achilles was a demigod and the son of Thetis, a minor sea-goddess and Peleus, the king of Myrmidons
  • Achelous one of the Potamoi (a river god) in Greek Mythology, father of the Sirens
  • Arethusa (one of the Naides, a fresh water nymph)
  • Astraeus was the Titan god of the dusk
  • Asteria, Titan goddess of nocturnal oracles
  • Athena, the goddess of wisdom
  • Aphrodite, goddess of love
  • Artemis was the goddess of the hunt and the moon in Greek Mythology
  • Ares, god of war
  • Aeacus was a demigod in Greek Mythology and the son of a son of Zeus and Aegina
  • Aether the primeval god of the upper air
  • Aegle, one of the Hesperides
  • Aeneas was a demigod and the son of the goddess Aphrodite and Prince Anchises
  • Anteros the god of requited love
  • Amphion was a demigod and a son of Zeus and Antiope
  • Arcas was a demigod and a son of Zeus and Callisto a nymph and minor goddess associated with Aphrodite
  • Batia (one of the Naides, a fresh water nymph)
  • Bia the spirit of force, power, bodily strength and compulsion
  • Boreas god of the north wind and of winter
  • The Caucasian Eagle was an eagle that every day ate the liver of Prometheus in ancient Greek Mythology
  • Calypso (Oceanide)
  • Crius was the Titan god of the constellations
  • Clymene was a demigod and the daughter of the Titan gods Oceanus and Tethys
  • Coeus was the Titan god of Intelligence in Greek Mythology
  • Charon was the ferryman of Hades
  • Cerberus was the many-headed dog which guarded the gates of Hades
  • A centaur was a creature, part human and part horse in ancient Greek Mythology
  • Circe the goddess, witch and sorceress
  • Crommyonian Sow was a wild pig killed by Theseus
  • Cronus was the Titan god of time and the ages
  • The Colchian Dragon who guarded the Golden Fleece in Greek Mythology
  • The Chimera was a fire breathing beast that was part lion, part goat, and had a snake-headed
  • Dardanus was a demigod and a son of Zeus and Electra who was the daughter of Atlas
  • Daphne (one of the Naides, a fresh water nymph)
  • Dionysus the god of wine
  • Dryades the tree and forest nymphs
  • Dike, one of the Horae
  • Deimos the spirit of fear, dread and terror
  • Epaphus was a demigod and a son of Zeus and Io, a priestess of the goddess Hera in Greek Mythology
  • Epimetheus was the god of afterthought in ancient Greek Mythology
  • Erebus the primeval god of darkness
  • Eris the spirit of strife, discord, contention and rivalry
  • Eros the god of love and passion in Greek Mythology
  • Eunomia (one of the Horae)
  • Eos the Titan goddess of the dawn
  • Echo (an Oread, mountain nymph) cursed only to repeat the words of others
  • Echidna was the mother by Typhon and of many monstrous offspring
  • Gaia the primeval goddess of the earth
  • The Gorgons were three winged sister monsters, and Medusa, who had live snakes for hair
  • Glaucus the fisherman's sea god
  • Geras the god of Old Age
  • The Graeae were three gray witches in Greek Mythology who possessed on one eye between them, consulted by the hero Perseus
  • Helen of Troy was a demigod and a daughter of Zeus and Leda who was queen of Sparta
  • Harmonia was a demigod and a daughter of Zeus and Electra
  • Hades the god of the Underworld and the dead
  • Hecate the goddess of magic, witchcraft
  • Hebe the goddess of youth in Greek Mythology
  • Helios the god of the sun
  • Hercules (Heracles in Greek) was a demigod in Greek Mythology and a son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmene
  • Hemera the primeval goddess of daylight and the sun
  • Hephaestus the god of metalworking
  • Hera the Queen of the gods in Greek Mythology
  • Hermes the messenger of the gods
  • Hestia was the Virgin goddess of the hearth
  • Hyperion was the Titan lord of light
  • Hypnos the god of sleep in Greek Mythology
  • The Hydra was the many-headed sea monster in Greek Mythology which when one of its heads was cut off grew two more
  • Iasus was a demigod and a son of Zeus and Electra (one of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione)
  • Iapetus, the Titan god of mortal life.
  • Iris the goddess of the rainbow
  • Keres, the death spirits in Greek Mythology
  • Lernaean Hydra was the many-headed sea monster in Greek Mythology which when one of its heads was cut off grew two more
  • Leto was the Titan goddess of motherhood
  • Lyssa the spirit of rage, fury and rabies
  • Ladon was the dragon which guarded the golden apples in the Garden of the Hesperides in ancient Greek Mythology
  • Memnon was a demigod in Greek Mythology and the son of Tithonus and Eos, aka Aurora, who was a Titan goddess of the dawn
  • Menoetius, the Titan god of violent anger and rash action
  • Moros the spirit of doom
  • Mermaids, supernatural sea nymphs
  • Momus the spirit of mockery, blame
  • Mnemosyne was the Titan goddess of memory
  • Morpheus the god of dreams
  • Medusa was one of the Gorgons in ancient Greek Mythology, a winged monster who had live snakes for hair who could turn men to stone, slain by the hero Perseus
  • In Greek Mythology the Nemean lion was an enormous lion strangled by Hercules as the first of his 12 labors.
  • Naiades were minor goddesses of nature, rivers and waterways
  • Nemesis the goddess of revenge and retribution
  • Nereus the old man of the sea
  • Nereids were minor goddesses of the oceans
  • Nike the goddess of victory
  • Nymphs, minor goddesses of nature
  • Nyx the primeval goddess of night
  • Orion was a demigod in Greek Mythology and a son of the sea god Poseidon and Euryale
  • Oceanus the Titan god of the Ocean
  • Oceanides goddesses the rivers
  • Oizys, goddess of misery
  • Ouranos the primeval god of the heavens
  • Oreads, the goddesses of Mountains
  • Orpheus was a demigod in Greek Mythology and a son of Calliope and the god Apollo
  • Orthrus was the two-headed dog which guarded the Cattle of Geryon
  • In Greek Mythology Perseus was a demigod and a son of Zeus and Danae
  • Poseidon the god of the sea, rivers, and earthquakes in Greek Mythology
  • Prometheus was the Titan god of forethought
  • Proteus a shape-shifting, prophetic old sea god
  • Pallas was the Titan god of warcraft
  • Pan the god of shepherds and fertility
  • Persephone queen of the underworld
  • Perses was the Titan god of destruction
  • Phobos the spirit of panic fear, flight and battlefield rout
  • Phorcys the god of the hidden dangers of the sea
  • Phoebe, the Titan goddess of the Moon
  • Pontus the primeval god of the sea
  • Psyche the goddess of the soul
  • Pollux was a demigod and a son of Zeus and the mortal Leda. He was the twin brother of Castor
  • Rhea the earth mother and Titan queen of the mountains
  • Scylla was a female sea monster in Greek Mythology who devoured sailors when they tried to navigate the narrow channel between her cave and the whirlpool Charybdis
  • Selene the Titan goddess of the moon
  • Sirens, dangerously seductive sea nymphs
  • River Styx
  • Somnus, the god of sleep and dreams
  • Theseus was a demigod in Greek Mythology and a son of Poseidon and Aethra
  • In Greek Mythology the Teumessian fox was destined never to be caught. It was sometimes called the Cadmean vixen
  • Tartarus the primeval god of the dark
  • Terpsichore daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, muse of dance
  • Tethys the wife of Oceanus, goddess of rivers
  • Thanatos a god of Death
  • Themis was the Titan goddess of justice and order
  • Thaumas the god of the wonders of the sea
  • Tyche the goddess of fortune, chance
  • Triton the fish-tailed son and herald of Poseidon
  • Tityos was a demigod in Greek Mythology and a son of Zeus and Elara
  • Urania daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, muse of astronomy in Greek Mythology
  • Uranus, the primordial god of the heavens
  • Undine (one of the Naides, a fresh water nymph)
  • Zethes was a demigod in Greek Mythology and a son of Boreas (the Greek god of the cold north wind and the bringer of winter)
  • Zelos the spirit of rivalry, emulation, envy, jealousy and zeal
  • Zephyrus god of the west wind in ancient Greek Mythology
  • Zeus the King of Heaven and god of the sky
Gods and Deities
Greek Gods Mythology

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