Roman Gods Family Tree

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Ancient Roman Gods and Goddesses Genealogy - The Roman Gods Family Tree
Interesting, short facts contained in the ancient Roman gods family tree

The Roman Gods Family Tree and Genealogy
Discover the ancient legends and myths about the genealogy of the ancient divinities with the Roman gods family tree. According to ancient Roman mythology there were 12 major gods and goddesses who are collectively called the 'Dei Consentes' who sat on the Council of Gods and their names are the most famous. Find out what the relationships were between all of the principle Roman gods and goddess who are referred to as the 'Dei Consentes'. Additional facts & information about all of the ancient Roman gods are also available via the above links.

Gods and Deities

Roman Gods and Goddesses

Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses



Interesting Facts about Roman gods family tree and Genealogy
The ancient Roman gods family tree provides an instant overview of the genealogy of the ancient Roman gods and goddesses - a 'who's who' of the family connections, genealogy and relationships between the main characters who feature in the legends and mythology of the ancient Romans. In Ancient Roman Mythology the principle Roman gods and goddesses were referred to as the 'Dei Consentes'. Our Roman Gods Charts provide full details and descriptions of all of the Roman gods. The Roman Gods Family Tree and genealogy provides a brief overview of the main Roman gods and deities.

Roman Gods Family Tree & Genealogy

Roman Gods Family Tree and Genealogy

Ancient Roman gods family tree and genealogy - Names of the Council of Gods
The names of the principle Roman gods, known as the 'Dei Consentes' who sat on the Council of Gods, shown on the Roman Gods family tree are as follows:

Male Roman GodsFemale Goddesses
  • Jupiter
  • Apollo
  • Mars
  • Neptune
  • Pluto
  • Mercury
  • Juno
  • Minerva
  • Venus
  • Ceres
  • Diana
  • Vesta

Roman Gods Family Tree Chart - Genealogy, Names & Roles
Discover interesting information and fun facts with this chart of Roman gods family tree and Genealogy of the 'Dei Consentes' who sat on the Council of Gods. The following chart of the Roman gods family tree provides a short description of the 'Dei Consentes' who sat on the Council of Gods, their genealogy, roles and functions according to ancient Roman Mythology and legend.

Roman Gods Family Tree Chart
Names, Roles and Genealogy of the Roman Gods

NAMES: Genealogy, Definition, Role and Function
Jupiter: Jupiter was the king of the Roman gods and of the heavens. He was a son of Cronus and Rhea. The brother of Vesta, Pluto, Neptune and Ceres. He married his sister Juno and together they had three children: Mars, Juventia and Vulcan

Juno: Juno was the Queen of the gods and the goddess of the marriage. She was a daughter of the Titans, Cronus and Rhea. She married her brother Jupiter and together they had three children: Mars, Juventia and Vulcan

Mercury: Mercury was the messenger of the gods. He was the son of Maia and Jupiter

Venus: Venus was the goddess of love and beauty. The daughter of Jupiter and Dione

Mars: Mars was the god of war. The son of Jupiter and Juno

Ceres: Ceres was the goddess of agriculture. The sister of Vesta, Pluto, Neptune and Jupiter. The mother of Proserpina by Jupiter

Vulcan: Vulcan was the name of the god of fire and metal-working. He was a son of Jupiter and Juno

Neptune: Neptune was the name of the god of the sea. He was a son of the Titans, Cronus and Rhea. The brother of Jupiter, Vesta, Pluto and Ceres

Minerva: Minerva was the name of the goddess of wisdom, the daughter of Jupiter

Diana: Diana was the name of the goddess of the hunt. The daughter of Jupiter and Latona, twin of Apollo

Apollo: Apollo was the name of the god of the sun and music. The son of Jupiter and Latona, twin of Diana

Vesta: Vesta was the goddess of the home and hearth. She was a daughter of the Titans, Cronus and Rhea. The sister of Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune and Ceres

Proserpina: Proserpina was the goddess of spring and queen of the Underwold. The daughter of Jupiter and Ceres

Juventia / Juventas: Juventia was the goddess of youth. The daughter of Jupiter and Juno

Bacchus: Bacchus was the god of wine and merry-making. He was a son of the Jupiter and Semele

Pluto: Pluto was the god of the Underworld. He was a son of the Titans, Cronus and Rhea. The brother of Jupiter, Vesta, Neptune and Ceres

NAMES: Genealogy - Roman Gods Family Tree

Roman Gods Family Tree Chart
Names, Roles and Genealogy of the Roman Gods

Roman Gods Family Tree and Genealogy

Roman Gods Family Tree & Genealogy

Roman Gods Family Tree and Genealogy

Mythical Facts about Roman gods family tree for kids
We hope that you have enjoyed discovering interesting information and facts about Roman gods family tree and genealogy. A fast educational resource for homework help containing short facts about Roman gods family tree. Fascinating, fun information to increase your knowledge of Roman Mythology and the Genealogy of the gods.

Group of gods and goddesses

Roman gods family tree

  • Interesting information about the Roman gods family tree and Genealogy
  • Legends and mythology about the Roman gods family tree for kids
  • Fast information about Roman gods family tree and Genealogy for kids
  • Educational resource for teachers, homework help for children and kids
  • The Roman gods family tree for kids
  • Genealogy & Roman gods family tree

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