Facts about Hephaestus

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Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses - Fun Facts about Hephaestus for Kids
Interesting, short facts about Hephaestus with pictures, mythological information and legends for kids

Mythical Facts about Hephaestus for kids
Discover interesting information and fun facts about Hephaestus, famous Greek the god of fire, the forge and metal-workers. The fun facts about Hephaestus for kids provides a list detailing fascinating information to increase your knowledge about this famous god in Greek Mythology.

Fun Facts about Hephaestus for kids
Discover the legends and myths and religious beliefs surrounding this famous Greek god of fire, metal-workers and the forge with these fast, fun facts about Hephaestus for kids and children of all ages. Additional, intriguing information about all of the ancient gods and goddesses and the mythical creatures and monsters that feature in their legends are also available via:

Gods and Deities

Greek Gods and Goddesses


Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses



Interesting Facts about Hephaestus - Pictures of Hephaestus
Our fast facts and information about the Greek god Hephaestus are brought to life with some interesting pictures depicting his role in various myths and legends of the ancient Greeks.

Mythical Facts about Hephaestus for Kids

Fact 1: He was the god of fire, the forge and metal-workers. He had the power to transform himself into flames and the ability to create fabulous mechanical robotics.

Fact 2: The names of his parents were Zeus and Hera. His sister was Hebe and his brother was Ares.

Fact 3: He was one of the 12 Olympian gods who resided on the summit of Mount Olympus.

Fact 4: He built the beautiful palaces of the gods and goddesses and made magical locks that could only be opened by the gods

Fact 5: His Latin counterpart was Vulcan. The word volcano is derived from the name of Vulcano, a volcanic island in the Aeolian Islands of Italy from which the name Vulcan originates.

Fact 6: The role of this god was to make the weapons and armor of the Olympian gods. He also made the thrones for the other gods on Mount Olympus.

Picture of Hephaestus and the forge

Picture of Hephaestus and the forge

Fact 7: Hephaestus made the aegis (a round buckler shield) for Zeus to strike terror in mortals. Hector, carried the aegis into battle on the side of the Trojans during the Trojan War

Fact 8: He was skilled in all forms of metal work and created many gold and silver gifts for the gods including their palaces, their armor, their chariots and their weapons

Fact 9: He made fantastic mechanical robots including the giant Talos who featured in the myths and legends about Jason and the Argonauts and golden robots that looked like young men and could think and talk.

Fact 10: He made a beautiful golden necklace for Zeus which the king of the gods gave to Europa

Fact 11: He fought in the Battle of the Giants during which the Olympians were at war with the Giants (GIgantes). Hephaestus became faint during the fierce fighting and Helios (the Sun) carried the exhausted him away in his chariot. To repay the kindness, the god gave gifts to King Aietes, the son of Helios

Fact 12: He made two mechanical bulls for King Aietes. The bulls had feet and mouths of bronze and when the bulls breathed, fierce flames came from their mouths. He also made an unbending plough for the bulls to pull, made of a single piece of bronze and was indestructible

Fact 13: He also built a palace for King Aietes with two great gold and silver dogs that guarded the doorways.

Fact 14: He created four magical fountains for the palace of King Aietes - one fountain gushed with milk, another with wine, the third gushed fragrant oil and the last fountain supplied water which was cold in the summer and warm in the winter

Fact 15: He was the patron of all craftsmen

Mythical Facts about Hephaestus for Kids

Hephaestus riding his golden chariot

Picture of Apollo and his golden chariot made by Hephaestus

Fun Facts about Hephaestus - Pictures of Hephaestus
Whilst checking out the facts about Hephaestus its a good idea to have an impression of what Hephaestus might have looked like. Images, pictures and representations of Hephaestus the god of fire, metal-workers and the forge are found in the ancient sculptures, mosaics, paintings, pictures, pottery and vases that were made in ancient times. Other artists of later periods have also produced some wonderful pictures depicting their ideas of what the god Hephaestus might have looked like.

Hephaestus (Vulcan) assisted by the Cyclops

In Greek Art the Olympian god Hephaestus was often illustrated with images and pictures representing the attributes and symbols associated with Hephaestus. Look at the pictures of Hephaestus and see if you can identify any symbols associated with this famous Olympian god which are fire, the anvil, hammer, axe, tongs, donkey and quail.

Picture of HephaestusTalos, the mechanical robot giant
Pictures of Hephaestus & Talos, the mechanical robot giant

Facts about Hephaestus - Olympian Gods Family Tree & Genealogy
These interesting facts about this famous Greek god cannot be complete without the Olympian Gods Family Tree and the genealogy of these ancient deities.

Greek Gods Family Tree & Genealogy

Names of Greek Gods and Goddesses

Mythical Facts about Hephaestus for kids
We hope that you have enjoyed discovering interesting information and facts about Hephaestus. A fast educational resource for homework help containing short, fast, easy, strange, random, fun, odd, cool, bizarre, amazing and awesome facts about Hephaestus! Fascinating, fun information to increase your knowledge about Hephaestus the god of fire, metal-workers and the forge in Greek Mythology.

Facts about Hephaestus

  • Interesting information and fun Facts about the Greek god Hephaestus
  • Pictures of Hephaestus
  • Legends and mythology about the Greek god Hephaestus for kids
  • Fast information and interesting fun facts about Hephaestus for kids
  • Educational resource for teachers, homework help for children and kids
  • Interesting fun Facts about the Greek god of fire for kids

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